Saturday, November 28, 2009

Comfortable, Supportive and Sexy....

Ahhh, what we Women crave on so many fronts: partners, friends, fashion.... So little of it in our control. Today, we're discussing something we can control - undergarments. Can they be comfortable, supportive and sexy at the same time? HELL YEAH!! Ladies, we can DEFINITELY HAVE IT OUR WAY when it comes to the garments covering our "lady parts"!

Whether they be frilly, lacy, "barely there," or supportive; our options are endless. We have beautiful fabrics, amazing construction and fit in sexy cuts that will provide the various degrees of contouring and shaping you desire. Imagine, a drawer full of "somethings" to lift or express your every mood....

At Sugar Lilie, we say step away from "Poly and her Sister Esther"! It's about getting value for your dollar! That's right, Ladies! Comfort, Support and Sexy -- all in one little undergarment!

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